Peschaud International
Our group

A group specializing in complex logistics operations

Peschaud International is a land, river, lake, lagoon and maritime logistics company benefiting from more than 60 years of successful experience in all kinds of extreme geographical environments.

Peschaud only uses its own human and technical resources to carry out the projects entrusted to it. He is experienced in carrying out their implementation in record time and in absolute compliance with Quality, Health, Safety and Environment standards rigorously developed and constantly improved over years of experience.

Peschaud has training and accreditations programs effective enough to quickly employ more than 95% of national workforce in the countries in which it operates, thus contributing to the growing requirement that national interests be prioritized.

Peschaud has perfect mastery of the combination of different modes of transport (mainly maritime and land) to carry out ambitious turnkey projects, from their design to their completion.

Peschaud is made up of a young, united and united team with proven experience in all kinds of theaters of operations. The decision-making process of our emergency units, faced with the difficulties inevitably encountered, is particularly fluid and efficient.

During these 60 years, during which numerous complex logistics operations have been carried out, Peschaud has always followed through on its commitments and counts the largest global companies among its references.

The history of our group

August 1940
Philippe Peschaud joins the 2nd Army division of General Leclerc

In August 1940, Philippe Peschaud (1915-2006) chose to join Free France from Cameroon to follow the formidable epic of the Second Armored Division led by General Leclerc from Brazzaville to Berchtesgaden. As a young train officer, he actively participated in complex and decisive logistical operations for the Allies' progress towards victory.

Deeply grateful for the lessons received during this short but very intense period of his life, he never ceased to perpetuate the spirit which animated this group of men and women in the private sector which he joined after the war and assuming for more than thirty years the Presidency of the Association then of the Maréchal Leclerc de Hauteclocque Foundation.

September 1940
Rosette joins the 2nd army division

His wife and closest collaborator throughout his life, Rosette Trinquet (1920 – 2015), daughter of a farmer from the Gharb plain in Morocco, also joined the Second Armored Division then training in Rabat to be an ambulance driver in the Rochambeau Group composed exclusively of women who displayed heroic behavior throughout the campaign for the liberation of France.

Foundation of Peschaud and Cie International

They founded Peschaud et Cie International in 1956 and developed the new notion of “end-to-end transport” of industrial projects (desalination plants, thermal power plants, refineries, oil pipelines, water supply) to new destinations such as Algeria, Libya or Saudi Arabia. The first bases equipped with logistical resources were created there (Bengazi, Hassi Messaoud, Jeddha, Balikpapan, etc.) to ensure deliveries to the destination when resources were lacking.

Arrival of Christophe Peschaud in the company

In 1976, their son Christophe joined the company, which he took over in 1985 after a few years abroad. Under his leadership, the group focuses more specifically on the Oil Logistics activity.

Exhilarating experiences abound in all kinds of difficult terrain: the desert of Abu Dhabi, the mountains of Yemen, the banks of the Irrawaddy River in Burma, the savannah of Tanzania, the coasts of Somalia, the swamps at the formation of the Nile in Sudan, the lagoons and rivers of Gabon, the equatorial forest of West Africa or the flood zones of southern Chad.

2011 – present
Entry of Georges Peschaud into the Group

In 2011, his son Georges joined the company to occupy numerous expatriate positions up to that of Deputy Managing Director of the Gabonese subsidiary in 2016, then Deputy Managing Director of the group in 2018, and now officially Managing Director of the group since December 2022

Creation Peschaud Mozambique

Back in Cameroon since April 2018, Peschaud launched into the offshore maritime sector and decided to create his own entity to manage his fleet and associated maritime activities.

Creation Peschaud Ivory Coast

To respond to complex logistics problems encountered in the Horn of Africa region, Peschaud CIV was created and specializes in carrying out special works.

Creation of SMC

A joint venture between Transmaritima and Peschaud Mozambique, SMC (sociedade mocambicana de cabotagem) is created to meet the maritime needs of regional cabotage in the Mozambican Canal region

Creation Peschaud SENEGAL

After winning a contract for the supply of passenger transfer vessels as part of the GTA Tortue project, Peschaud Senegal is created to meet the ever-changing needs in the Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia region.

Takeover of the Via Maris shipyard

After acquiring a contract in Gabon for the supply of 7 CB19 vessels, Peschaud maritime calls on the Veecraft shipyard in South Africa to carry out this contract. Unfortunately the COVID crisis got the better of the shipyard, and Peschaud therefore decided to resume the construction of ships in-house.

The experience was a success and Peschaud decided to take over the operation of the shipyard, renamed “Via Maris” to support the developments of Peschaud Maritime and to be master of its entire logistics chain from ship design to construction. , operation and maintenance.  

<span data-metadata="" style="text-transform: none; white-space: normal;"><span data-buffer="" style="text-transform: none; white-space: normal;">A word from the President

2018 saw our Group return to financial balance. It is the result of significant efforts to reduce our costs while preserving, as much as possible, the soul of our formidable company.

2019 is the year of recovery in an economic situation with a clearer horizon although still affected by turbulence. Among our customers, the enthusiasm caused by a barrel above 100 Dollars should be forgotten: The crisis has had the effect of a historical questioning of methods and costs which we have the ardent obligation to anticipate , to participate and adapt to survive. This is how Peschaud was able to expand the range of its skills by having a river crew-boat built and put into operation of a new design combining speed and energy saving and winning a major offshore crew-boat service contract. in Cameroon.

In Gabon, the redistribution of cards among oil companies has had the effect of revitalizing fields deemed to be aging and making new discoveries, particularly in the deep offshore. New buyers are investing massively in development campaigns which allow the entire profession to finally return to sustained activity.

Very large-scale projects are emerging again, for example in Uganda, Mozambique and Senegal, all located in the areas of competence of our Group which has anticipated their rebirths to actively participate in them.

The time has therefore come for the resumption of activities, the difficult restarting of our resources, recruitment for training, the resumption of a rigorous quality policy and a reasoned investment strategy to face the new market requirements.

After too long a period of dead calm, we are entering a phase of turmoil for which I am counting on the intelligence, energy, discipline and common sense of all on deck.

Our current certifications

Our partners